Michael Edison Hayden

Climate Change Issue (National Geographic)

My feature “Power to the People” can be found in the Nov 2015 issue of National Geographic. For the digital version, click here.

10.15.15 | Filed Under Featured, National Geographic, Non-fiction

Interfaith voices: NPR

I will be speaking on NPR’s Interfaith Voices radio program this November. Check this space for more details.

10.15.15 | Filed Under Non-fiction

Newseum: Washington DC, November 3rd

Talking at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 3rd. The subject is the struggle for M2F transgender rights in India. Please drop by if you’re in town.    

10.15.15 | Filed Under Non-fiction

Nepal Earthquake Coverage (LA Times)

I recently served as a special correspondent for Los Angeles times. Here are my stories from the quake, spanning four days in the field: Day one: Tent City Day two: Triage Day three: Rural Village Day four: Orphanage 

05.06.15 | Filed Under Non-fiction

India’s New Heroin Highway (Slate/Roads & Kingdoms)

For the version on Slate, click here For the version of Roads & Kingdoms, click here

04.18.15 | Filed Under Non-fiction, Slate

Welcome to India’s Heroin Alley (Foreign Policy)

Heroin abuse is rampant in the Indian state of Punjab, and a generation of young, male addicts has nowhere to turn for help. Click here.

04.02.15 | Filed Under Foreign Policy, Non-fiction

Eat, Pray, Leeches (Foreign Policy)

Read about India’s new emphasis on traditional medicine (in the face of a crumbling healthcare infrastructure), click here This story was chosen among Longform’s picks of the week

03.06.15 | Filed Under Foreign Policy, Non-fiction

Don’t Speak (Motherland)

My essay for the new issue of Motherland Magazine, click here

08.05.14 | Filed Under Motherland, Non-fiction

2014 International AIDS Conference

I recently spoke at the 2014 International AIDS Conference along with some of my colleagues from the Pulitzer Center. Here’s a piece I wrote for Al Jazeera America about the victims of the MH17 disaster.    

08.05.14 | Filed Under Non-fiction

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