Michael Edison Hayden

Antifa conspiracy theory stories (Newsweek)

“Antifa” Did Sutherland Springs “Antifa” Did Vegas “Antifa” Waging Civil War Antifa Supersoldiers November 4 Civil War a Bust    

11.22.17 | Filed Under Featured, Newsweek, Non-fiction

Police Brutality and Deportation Won’t Stop the Deadly MS-13 Gang (VICE)

Story one, click here “Trump Loves to Hate this Machete Toting Gang” Story two, click here “Police Brutality and Deportation Won’t Stop the Deadly MS-13 Gang”

08.08.17 | Filed Under Featured, Non-fiction, VICE

Ohio father bids farewell before deportation (ABC News)

For the story, click here

07.17.17 | Filed Under ABC, Non-fiction

Report on right-wing extremism (ABC News)

For the story, click here

06.12.17 | Filed Under ABC, Non-fiction

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